During the Baja Ha-Ha morning radio nets, we would hear about others catching fish and got a little jealous because even this beautiful pink and white job couldn't catch anything despite a day of trolling.
So when we sailed from Cabo down the almost 300 miles to La Cruz, we decided to experiment. We'd already towed the pink lure one day with the little plastic protector tube on the tip of the hook so this time we took it off to see what might happen.
It didn't take long to learn we had discovered one of those secrets real fishermen never give away.
Rather than rush on to the marina at La Cruz, we stopped for some quiet time anchored off of the little vacation town of Punta de Mida.
We couldn't believe how warm the water was so got the pool thermometer out to see what it said:
We stayed two days swimming, reading, napping. Just what we needed.
In La Cruz, we got Moonshadow cleaned up and rented a car for the invasion. This time it was our two sons, Ryan and Scott. They came for a week and boy did we pack in a lot of fun and laughs.
From the airport, we went straight to dinner at Frascotti's Restaurant in the Marina building's second story palapa. Then after an overnight rest aboard Moonshadow, we took a trip out to Punta Mida for lunch at Si Senor's where the margaritas and food are excellent.
The next day, we drove down to old Puerto Vallarta for lunch at the Blue Shrimp. We didn't know it but the restaurant had arranged some entertainment.
Fully dressed, we couldn't figure out if this gentleman wanted to swim, pee, or just feel the warm Pacific Ocean on his ankles.
Not sure if he found what he was looking for, but when he turned his back on the final wave of the set, we all saw this coming...
Anyone who knows our boys will understand why the whole restaurant had to pause their conversation while mayhem broke out at our table.
Feeling the need for adventure themselves, Deb and the boys began daring each other to take a ride in the parachute towed by a big ski boat.
People say this is safe. What could go wrong? OK, don't answer that.
They went and brought back pictures from aloft...
... where you look way down upon the 10th story swimming pool by the beach.
Thank God they all made it safely back to the ground.
Back on terra firma, we walked around doing some sight seeing of old Puerto Vallarta, stopping at the "Survivor's Tree" for cancer survivors.
There is a really exquisite cathedral here.
But it got hot and the boys wanted to know more about this place.
Of course we had to show them some of our favorite eating places back in La Cruz, like Tacos on the Street where three tacos and a beer are less than five bucks.
Deb and John were ready for bed but the boys decided to visit Gecko Rojo. Here, Ryan filled in while the band's drummer visited el baño. We did not know Ryan could play drums, and from reports we've gotten, we're still not sure he can.
Later we drove to a beautiful 9 hole golf course which has some really interesting holes.
...and the rough can be pretty wild too!
We were all smiles throughout the day.
But it was a hot day so we stopped to cool off at Sayulita's surf beach.
The next day was up at the crack of dawn to go sportfishing on a 35 footer we chartered.
That was starting to look like a really dumb idea for the first three hours, then there was instant pandemonium as everybody started yelling at the water. First Ryan started grinding while John helped reel in the other lines.
Then Scott found out how much fight we'd booked for him.
Finally we boarded this Sailfish.
Back aboard Moonshadow we chugged back up the coast to Punta Mida for cocktails, steak and seafood on the barbie and a great sunset.
We spent the next morning relaxing, paddle boarding and surfing...
...then motored in no wind across Banderas Bay to Yelapa. Along the way, two things happened. One was catching this beautiful Dorado. That pink lure really works now!
Yelapa is a small cove where you pick up a mooring, ride a panga to the beach, have lunch, and then ride up to the waterfall.
The ride takes you across a river...
...and through a small town with very narrow streets.
Well worth it!
The other thing that happened when we caught the Dorado was poking a hole in the brand new dinghy with the gaff.
We read up and watched all the YouTube videos on inflatable tube repairs we could find...
...then rolled up our sleeves and tackled the patch repair.
Good as new.
We celebrated Deb's birthday with pancake breakfast, shopping at the Sunday market, and dinner with the boys and several of our La Cruz friends at
Roberto's Xolocatl, high up on the hill overlooking La Cruz harbor.
Then capped the day with dancing at Ballena Blanca with the Traveling Band.
The week went by so, so fast. After the boys flew home our faces ached for a day from smiling and laughing.
This was the first time the four of us spent together (just the four of us) since these guys lived at home.
It was truly special.